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Westport Physical Education and Health empower students to be mentally, physically, socially and emotionally healthy.

Mrs. Sarah Webster    203-341-1666

Health meets once per week for the entire school year.

Health "Curriculum at a Glance" Documents for Grades 6, 7 and 8.

Our goal in Health Education is to promote life skills that follow the National Health Education Standards which include: Core Concepts, Analyzing Influences, Accessing Information, Communication Skills, Decision-Making Skills, Goal Setting Skills, Self-Management Skills, and Advocacy.


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Friday was a special School Spirit Day at Coleytown Middle School! Staff and students showed their CMS pride by wearing CMS gear and green and white clothing. Each team hosted a small celebration in the afternoon, including a fun game, a team photo, and Flavorice Freeze Pops. It was a wonderful way to kick off the 2024-2025 school year!

Read More about CMS School Spirit

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