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James Forgey

Title: Band Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 203-341-1681

Hannah Jordan

Title: Orchestra Teacher

Danielle Merlis

Title: Teacher

Jason Phillips

Title: Choral and Music & Tech Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 203-341-1640

Megan Robison

Title: Orchestra and Music Technology Teacher
Phone Numbers:
School: 203-341-1571

Meghan Stewart

Title: Orchestra Teacher

Coleytown Middle School offers a diverse selection of music instruction to meet the developmental needs of every child. Students may enroll in excellent grade-level Bands, Orchestras, and Choruses, as well as select groups such as Chamber Orchestra, Camerata (select choir), Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, and an All-City Band, Orchestra, and Percussion Ensemble for the aspiring young musician. In-school small group lessons are provided to all instrumentalists.

All middle school students choose either Band, Orchestra, Chorus, or Music Technology. Each of these classes meets twice per week. Instrumental music students also receive a like-instrument, small group lesson once per week.




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Recent News


The CMS community came together the day before Thanksgiving break to celebrate its annual Giving Assembly, a cherished tradition that highlights the power of kindness and teamwork. In the weeks leading up to the event, students, staff, and school clubs worked tirelessly to support a variety of charities and foundations, demonstrating a strong commitment to making a difference.

Read More about CMS Annual Giving Assembly

Sixth graders completed their final assessment for the introductory unit on the Three Dimensions of Health—Physical, Mental, and Social. As part of this assessment, they applied the S.M.A.R.T. Goal framework to create a health-themed game that their classmates could play. The project required them to incorporate elements of physical, mental, and social health into the game design, ensuring that it was both educational and engaging.  

Read More about Three Dimensions of Health Game Design

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