World Languages
- Mrs. Almeida Moura
- Mr. Taylor
- Mrs. Chen
- Mrs. Furlan
World Language Department Extra Help
please contact your teacher to arrange
Westport has long been a strong advocate of providing students the opportunity to learn a second language. The acquisition of skills and cultural understanding are significantly improved through long, uninterrupted sequences of the study of the second language. A language learner’s proficiency level is a progression of that learner’s ability to perform in the target language in the five skill areas of: listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture.
Language teaching has undergone a shift, over time, from a mental discipline of rote learning and translation to the practical emphasis on using language to better understand our world neighbors and transact business in an ever growing global marketplace.
Listening and speaking are again the primary modes of learning and assessment. Writing is increased using memorized material and forming simple sentences or questions. Working towards accuracy of expression continues and some formal grammar is presented.