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Important 2024-2025 School Year Information

July 24, 2024

Dear CMS Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year at Coleytown Middle School. We are thrilled to be starting school at CMS and in person. We look forward to working with all of the students, the PTA, and our CMS School Community.

Coleytown Middle School is a place where staff, students and parents should feel safe, supported, and connected, where the school day consists of stretching student abilities and having fun during the process of learning, and where everyone is able to learn and grow. This year we will continue to create opportunities for collaboration, problem-solving, and enhanced well-being. We will be sharing more information with you as the year progresses.

Please review the topics below with your student(s):

Team Assignments and Homerooms will be emailed to families on Monday, August 26, 2024. The school teams take great care in making sure we consider all aspects when assigning children to teams: Social, Emotional, Academic, Programmatic, Learning Styles, etc. Due to many factors we are unable to honor or make any changes to team assignments. Students Schedules will be available on the first day of school in PowerSchool. Students will be given their schedules in homeroom on the first day of school.

New Student Orientation is scheduled for Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm. This event is for students only. All students entering grade 6 and any new students to Westport entering grades 7 & 8 are invited to attend.

The First Day of School is Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Students in grades 7 & 8 should bring their district-issued chromebooks fully charged in its protective case. Sixth graders and new 7th & 8th graders will be issued chromebooks on the first day of school.

The PTA will be hosting a New Families Orientation at the start of the school year. They will reach out to the newcomers regarding the date, time, and location of this event.

Suggested School Supplies Lists have been posted on the CMS webpage. Students should bring these items with them on the first day of school. Please leave any items that could be distracting or an interruption to learning at home.

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures at CMS

Bus Riders
Students riding the bus to/from school will be dropped off and picked up at the CMS bus loop. There will be staff on hand to open the doors for students when they are dropped off by the bus. Upon arrival students will wait in three areas until they are dismissed to their lockers and homeroom.

Students riding the bus should go directly to the bus loop at dismissal. There will be staff to assist them in finding their bus on campus. There is a chart that indicates which buses have arrived and the bus location. Students are responsible for getting on their bus on their own.

Parent Drop Off/Pick Up
Students being transported to school by a parent will enter through the main entrance. There is a parent drop off lane designated for parent traffic. Parents should remain in line and students should exit the vehicle on the passenger side near the sidewalk. There will be staff members on hand to direct traffic and supervise students. Upon arrival students will wait in three areas until they are dismissed to their lockers and homeroom.

Students being picked up by parents at dismissal should go directly to the main entrance/exit. Students should wait patiently on the sidewalk, behind the bollards until their parent’s vehicle has arrived. Students should enter the vehicle from the passenger side for safety reasons. Students should cross between cars. There is a security guard on hand and other staff members to supervise traffic and students.

If you need to pick your child up before the end of the school day please send a note in with your child. Your child will then give the note to the guidance secretary for an early dismissal pass. Your child will come to the office at the time indicated on the pass. Students will be dismissed from the office to their parents when the parent or guardian arrives. There are two ten minute parking spaces in front of the school to allow for easy pick up.

First Days for Students

During the first days of school the school administrators and teachers will be providing students with a lot of information to acclimate them back to school. Each morning we will air a CTV live broadcast to address the following information: Student Handbook, Health & Safety Procedures, Safe School Climate & Anti-Bullying Policies, Emergency Drill & Procedures, and how to get involved in the Clubs and Activities at CMS. We will follow up with emails to the families so that you are also aware of what has been communicated to your children.

We hope that you and your families enjoy the remaining days of summer and that you stay healthy. We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.


CMS Administrative Team

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