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PTA News and Announcements

Weekly Courier

January 6th, 2025

Tickets are on sale for the CMS Ice Skating Party.  Click HERE for tickets. 

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at





Jan. 8th

7:00 pm

Chorus and Camerata Concert 6-8 grade

Jan. 14th

7:00 pm

Orchestra and Chamber Concert 6-8 grade

Jan. 15th

9:30 am

PTA Coffee & Conversations Healthy Body Image

Jan. 15th

7:00 pm

Band and Wind Ensemble Concert 6-8 grade

Jan. 17th

11:30 am

Early dismissal, staff development

Jan. 20th

All day

No School MLK Day

Jan. 29th

7:00 pm

Social Media and Our Kids, BMS

Jan. 31st


Ice Skating Party at W.P.A.L Rink at Longshore



CMS School Directory and PTA Membership:  Join the PTA and get access to the CMS directory by AtoZConnect.  Click HERE for link

CMS ICE SKATING PARTY:  Join us on Friday, January 31st from 5:30 - 7:30 at the Westport PAL Longshore Ice Skating Rink.  Tickets are $20 and include rental and hot chocolate.  This is not a drop off event.  Click HERE for tickets and waiver

PTA COFFEE HEALTH BODY IMAGE: Join us on Wednesday, January 15th at 9:30 for a presentation and conversation on Healthy Body Image.  Michelle Didner from Positive Direction will talk about the importance of nurturing a positive self image, and share strategies that can help us help our kids during this incredible time of change. 

SOCIAL MEDIA AND OUR KIDS: Join Westport Together and Westport Public Schools for a special presentation from Max Stossel, an award-winning artist, and the founder of Social Awakening: an organization dedicated to helping young people survive and thrive in the modern.  Click HERE for flyer

CMS YEARBOOK SALE: Click HERE for flyer 

  1. Go to

  2. Click on the Order Yearbooks button.

  3. Enter the password CMS_YB2025 and select online order and continue.

  4. Enter the child’s name & grade and the book quantity.

  5. Enter your email under contact and select add to cart.

  6. If you have another child to order for, please select order for another child. If not, you can finish checking out.


DEI&B: Welcome, new and returning CMS families! The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) Committee is looking forward to starting this new school year with your support! If you’re interested in learning more about how you can get involved at CMS—whether it’s through bulletin board decorating, sharing multicultural event ideas, or simply meeting new people—sign up here to join our friendly, informal parent group. Completing this form will also ensure you receive updates and stay in the loop with all our activities.

SPECIAL EDUCATION NEWS: Register for the Westport SpEd PTA newsletter HERE and contact for more information

TOQUET HALL TEEN CENTER: Toquet Hall is a supervised drug/alcohol-free place where middle and high school aged youth can initiate and participate in social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities.  Click HERE for upcoming events 

COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD: For information on additional community events click HERE  



My School Bucks

Lunch Menu


CMS Website 

PTA Council Links – This is where you can find the links to PTA Council Sites such as ArtSmart, Authors Series, Cultural Arts, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Health, Wellness & Positive Youth Development, Special Education, Workshop, and the Community Bulletin Board (CBB).

Your CMS PTA Co-Presidents,

Marisa Timperman and Gina Christie